
Animal Communication

I asked Janika a fews weeks ago if she could talk to my horse Ayla. Janika was so kind to accept it and it was really important for me! 

Ayla and I crossed into each other five years ago, I knew we had to share a part of our life together. I had to move away from my country 2 years ago and I started traveling. My only concern at the time was: What am I going to do with Ayla? Is she going to be fine by herself? 

I found a lovely girl, Morgane, to look after her for the time I’m away. To me my horse is everything, she’s a diamond and it’s always a worry when I’m not there to make sure she is ok! I felt really guilty to let her behind and heartbroken! Life went on and my traveling is not ending yet – so I had to make a choice about Ayla. I needed to know how she was feeling, what she wanted for the future, if she was happy with her new life.

The message I got from Janika was so intense but so true. And I really know how beautiful Ayla is, so wise. It was hard for me to hear what she had to say but really helpful. 

Janika’s got amazing abilities I couldn’t thank her enough for it. Without many informations, when I listented to her voice message it was like I was talking straight to my horse! I could really feel her. Anyways I’m gonna keep talking for ever… let me just end with saying Janika is the best person to help you out, you can trust her, she is amazing! Thanks again Janika.

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